Thought you might want to see the night view from the Rooftop Garden where Jacky and I had a drink last night. We also got to listen to American songs. Whenever we get in a taxi, they often put American music on...
Well,you know you have to cram everything you haven't seen yet in the last day. That's the way this day seemed. Not too early a start. The others had gone out last night when we had stayed at the hotel and they didn't get back until after midnight, so they slept in a little. Then a taxi cab ride to the area the colosseum is in. I don't know why but that's not where he dropped us off, so walking, walking, asking directions, walking...
This is where the taxi driver dropped us off. Looks like a colosseum, doesn't it? I guess there's more than one, but only THE one was what we wanted. Still, saw more interesting ruins which happen to be all over Roma.
We did go up some 'hill'. Very nice to be around plants again. There was this flower that was blooming everywhere in this park. It gave a fairy tale feel to the place. Aren't Allen and Carolyn cute?
At the top were some really pretty views...
It was about at this point that I found out my memory card in my camera was full. Aghhhhh! My new card was in my suitcase back at the hotel....stupid me! Jacky lent me his camera. What a nice guy! So on to more pictures.
We went on top of this and got marvelous pictures. You had to pay to take an elevator to get to the top. Breathtaking view!
Finally found what we wanted. It was where all the tourists were of course! And where you had to pay money, of course! So we enjoyed our stroll through the ruins where it got really hot, really fast.
On to the coliseum !
I was having some problems with both cameras. Our cameras (and iPads) had not charged overnight -we think it's because we took our room key out, which is what turns the lights on. Soooo not only was I out of memory, but both cameras kept running out of battery. I used my phone for some pictures but it was a mess and I kept switching my electronic devices trying to find something that would work. I think it worked pretty good but now it's hard to find certain pictures!
After the coliseum, the others went to the hotel and Jacky and I took a taxi and went shopping. First time the whole trip,literally, that we had a chance. Lee doesn't like to and there was always somewhere else we had to go to.
Got back to the hotel for a short hour before we headed out again, to another hill they had gone the night before. Again, beautiful views, lovely trees and birds singing. We really miss that!
Dressed up like twins, ready for dinner !
This is that building we were on top of taking pictures.
A water clock!
Dinner below the hill. Fettuccine Alfredo...and birthday cake for Jacky whose birthday is tomorrow. What a nice surprise!
Well it's 'Good Bye Roma! It's been fun!'